Stop creating content for nothing

One of the best and easiest ways of signing clients is inbounds.

And how do you get inbound leads? By posting content that speaks to them.

Before I dive into the business of today, I'll first tell you what you are doing and why it's not working.

I don't know how you found Twitter, but I do know that one of the most recurrent pieces of content you saw when you started was…

"Pick a skill and master it while building a brand on Twitter".

You saw this Tweet over and over. In different ways, from different people until you said..

Fuck it. I'm gonna learn a skill.

And you did.

You picked a skill, started learning. Kept late nights, lost friends, delayed gratification, and all sorts of hard stuff.

And now.. well-done. You have learnt and practiced enough to be able to start getting jobs, but no jobs are forthcoming.

Now, your search is no longer how to master your skill, but how to land clients.

You have tried everything in your power, but it's still not working.

Well… there is one thing you haven't tried. And that is creating your ideal Client Avatar.

I know you've heard this one too, but it's different this time. Not one of those surface level information you have seen a million times.

Here's what you need to do.

Paint a picture of your ideal client, and create an avatar of them.

It's called an avatar because they are not real.

  • What is their name, age, occupation, gender, marital status, annual income, job title, level of education, etc.

Answer all these questions. Mind you, it doesn't have to be real. Just leave the answers to your mind.

  • What are their challenges and pain points? These are the most important because it's what you will speak to.

  • Then identify their objections to the sale and their role in the purchase.

By objection to the sale I mean.. what may be the reason they wouldn't want to buy from you at this point in time. Not later on, not tomorrow, but at that exact point.

Their role in the purchase:

✓ are they answerable to anyone?

✓ Are they the hiring managers?

✓ Do they have to take permission from a higher authority before hiring you? Etc.

Answer these questions, and create a document on it. Add a picture of your ideal client Avatar, and print it out.

Now why did you just waste your time doing these tasks?

It's simple. When next you want to create content, go read through your Ideal client Avatar, and create content as if they are real, and you are speaking to them.

That's it.

We struggle with getting clients because our messaging does not speak to one person. Tailor your message to one specific person, and you will attract people that have the same problem to yourself.

You might say.. buy isn't that limiting myself?

No it's not. It's not Because even though you are speaking to one person with your message, there are a hundred more people with the same problem who you'd attract.

But if your content is haphazard, you run the risk of not speaking to anyone at all.

Here's the link to mine. Check it out, and get a better idea of what I'm saying.

There's still time to make things work in 2023.


Your queen… Happiness.