Stop creating content for everybody...

Stop creating content for everybody...

I was reading Russell Brunson's book - Dotcom Secrets

And I realized that I have been unknowingly pleasing everyone throughout my content creation journey.

He talked about being polarizing.

Having a common enemy and something that you stand solidly for/against.

But I didn't.

I just thought if the majority of people didn't like this.. I shouldn't be saying it.

I shouldn't talk about my views on things I liked or hated because most people may or may not like it.

Not anymore.

You see.. the reason I don't make friends with most girls is because they are full of drama.

They like to make mountains out of molehills.

They argue about everything. Have an issue with everything etc.

And they usually do not think rationally.

And that's just so tiring to me. I can't keep up.

Yes.. I just shared this here. But I couldn't share it on X because in my mind - most girls won't like this.

Now… while this may sound rude and stupid to you.. it really isn't.

But that's beside the point.

The point is… be polarizing.

Talk about the things you like and things you don't like.

Why you like them and why you don't.


What this does is..

It builds you a culture (like Virgil calls it)

You will attract people who feel you. People that have a common stance.

And it helps you stand out.

Who's the "no comma" guy?

Who's the "delete "very" from your vocabulary" guy?

Who's the "likes ain't Cash” guy?

You know all these people because they built their brand in a way that it stands firm on what they believe and always talks about it.

That's what I want you to do.

That's what I want Us to do.

What is that thing you believe in?

That one thing you live by?

Fucking talk about it.

Could be anything.. doesn't matter. Just talk about it shamelessly.


In your attempt to create polarizing content.. do not be rude or unreasonable.

Do not call out or insult people who don't believe in the same thing as you.

Remember.. The idea is to attract those who have the same belief as you and repel those who don't.

That's how you stand out and build a culture.

Your "be polarizing with your content" queen.. Happiness 😊