Why you shouldn't take my storytelling offer

Here's why you shouldn't take this offer

In my last email, I told you I was gonna send a subsequent email with what you will be learning from my offer “badass storytelling”.

This is it

As you already know, I am launching it on the 15th of September.

Where I'll teach you..

  • How to turn your daily experiences into stories

  • How to come up with story ideas

  • How to WRITE stories that get read

  • Transitions

  • How to make even a small idea big enough for people to want more…

and a lot more.

BUT: This ain't a course. It's a coaching. I won't be sending you a bunch of videos to watch and implement. Nope.

What we will be doing is.. hopping on calls and sharing the juice with you live. Not an already-made video.

Reasons are: that way, you cannot NOT take the course. And I'll also be able to hold you accountable.

Think about it.. how many courses have you bought? How many threads/tweets have you bookmarked? How many notion docs have you duplicated?

A lot right?

Cool. How many have you looked at?


I won't be adding to that collection.

Hence the reason this will not be a course.

Here's how it will go..

2 calls every week for 4 weeks.

First call will be sharing the sauce, and giving assignments.

Second call will be discussing how the assignment went and what you learnt plus possible challenges you faced.

Then we'll tackle that.

This is why I will be taking just 12 persons as this will be hella time consuming.

Now over to you..

Do you think you can make it for calls twice every week?

Do you think you can complete assignments given?

If you can't, maybe because you have a tight schedule and you can't make out less than 6 hours per week to improve your skill, then do not take this offer.

Cos I wouldn't want you to waste your money.

My dream with this offer is to breed a dozen brilliant storytellers that the whole internet would be proud of.

So if you can't make it, do well to not crush my dreams 😊 I'd appreciate it.

That said, here's the link to the wait-list if you ain't in it already.

Join and stay tuned for launch day.. 15th September 2023.

Your queen.. Happiness.