Why you shouldn't buy anymore courses...

On the third day of May, I got access to a course by one of the industry’s best copywriters.

I was super esthetic and couldn’t wait to dive in and start dissecting the hell out of the course.

The first week, I did well. I spent nothing less than 4 hours on it, studying and loving every bit of it.

But just Like always, something happened. I'll tell ya in a bit.

The course taught me a LOT about email Copywriting, gave me the clarity that I was looking for for a while, and damn was it good.

Now what happened after a week?

I stopped. I stopped going through the course, I stopped studying it, I stopped doing the assignments, stopped writing daily emails like I used to.

I completely stopped everything.

I found the next best thing to do which was not the course.

Talk about "shiny object syndrome"

I jumped to the next best thing, and couldn't last a week too.

And just like that, I kept jumping from one thing to the other, one YouTube video to the other, one Instagram reel to the other and I succeeded in getting my mind fogged.

A lot of information, but no implementation. No action. Just theories in my head.

Worst was, I didn’t know I was suffering from shiny object syndrome until someone told me.

3 months later, just like the prodigal son in the bible, I went back to the course and started from scratch.

I'm 3 days in now, and I feel super fulfilled. I decided to stick to it till it's complete, and possibly go back to it a second time all while implementing.

So here's for you. You have gathered a lot of resources. Lots of free giveaways, bookmarks, emails, tips, and tricks. That's enough information to make you a good amount of $$.

Stop buying more courses. That ain't what you need. What you need is action. Implementation.

Go get it. Get shit done. Stop piling up materials and resources.

Let's theme this week "implementation week" and get those things done. Shall we?

Your queen. Happiness 😊