I was sent out of my father's house (church) yesterday

I was sent out of my father's house (church) yesterday

It was the first Sunday of the month of September yesterday, and I made a promise to myself that I'd go to church.

So I immediately started getting ready after I woke up.. and in no time, I was done.

Then I headed out. Took a cab and off I went to church.

I got to the junction, stopped and started walking.

The church is a little far from the junction, but the junction is where cars could stop because the area was still developing, hence a lot of bushes and trees..

You have to walk the rest of the way or take a bike.

Now here's the thing…

I didn't know the route that leads to the church. Mostly because it's a complicated road.

Yunno all them kinds of road that leads everywhere and you have to be careful of the ones you take so you don't lose your way right?

Yep. That was it.

But in my case, I didn't know which ones to take fr fr.

So I took anyone that looked good.

Now guess what.. 30 freaking minutes later, I was still walking.. aimlessly trying to locate the church.. damn.

I didn't want to call for help because I didn't want to bother anyone. But after walking aimlessly for over 30 minutes, I had no option than to make that call..

I called sister Favour, and she sounded calm and sleepy.. so I asked where she was, and she said she was home..

I asked why? And if she wouldn't go to church today.. and she told me the church had closed for the semester.


Guess how I felt?

Yes.. like that. And worse.

Guess who had to walk back to the junction again.. Me.

While walking back, I remembered I didn't grab my keys because I felt my cousin would be home before me.

Now I'm stuck with 6k steps before 9 am, a locked door and a broken heart.

I had 2 options.. attend another church and be there until my cousin got back or just go home and sit outside.

I chose the former.

So I took a cab to school, (students holds services in the school's auditorium).

I got off the cab, and pulled my gown all the way down (to avoid being sent out)

But guess what.. I was sent out.. from the gate. Because apparently my gown was revealing my legs.


Here's the thing.. the gown I had on was fitted, shin length but had splits from the shin to a little above my knees.

And I had a jacket on. To not show all of my goodness Yunno πŸ˜‰

But guess what.. those security guards are way Prude than I thought.

Before I continue this story, here's a lil pitch..

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Back to my story..

I walked back to the gate, about to leave when an elderly man called me and asked me to come for a minute.

I went to him, and guess what…

Advice. Ugh 😩

The first thing he said was..

Guys don't get attracted to you because you dress naked

Do you think you find husbands by showing off your body?

Do you this, do you that.

I earnestly prayed for it to end, and finally, it did.

I got home, and had to wait outside for my cousin. Ughhhh 😫.

But thankfully, she didn't take long to come back, and that was how my Sunday morning went.

BTW, I almost did 10k steps before 10 am.

I got sent out of my father's house. Damn those security guards.


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See you in subsequent emails..

Your queen.. Happiness.

Ciao for now. 😘😘