School is a scam

School is a scam

So I went to school and the lecture was already going on, I saw a bunch of students outside, idly standing.

Some were talking and all sorts of non-school related stuff.

I immediately knew why they weren't in class. There were no seats left for them. The class was full.

Apparently, the hall that would contain that many students was in use, and they had to manage a 200 seater hall.

I didn't even bother checking out the hall. I couldn't risk getting greeted by the smell of sweats, bad breaths and body odor.

I went to an empty class, and decided to study.

Few minutes later, the class ended and I got to know there was an assignment;

"In not less than 7 pages, explain Lewis Morgan's theory of evolution and state what stage Nigeria is".

I was dumbfounded. Here's why…

Students who take the course as their core course (we) are 220+, students who borrowed the course are over 300.

Now, everyone is to submit a 7 page assignment.

7 multiplied by 500 equals 3,500.

Who the fuck would read 3500 pages of the same shit and grade the students accordingly?

No one. Absolutely, No one.

But we still get to do this assignment. What's the point?

I don't see it.

Do you see it? Cos I really don't.

After doing this for 4 or 5 years, one would come out with a degree, and call themselves graduates and expect me to be impressed.

Matter of fact, I will be the first person to employ staff in my company completely disregarding degrees.

If you come in and you're like…

"My name is Richard, I'm a graduate of Cambridge. I studied heaven and earth"

I'll be like.. "And?"

I don't fucking need their certificates for anything.

Are they open to learning, unlearning and relearning?

If they are, I'll put them on 2 weeks training. Their performance would determine if they get the job or not.

The world would be a much better place if every employer does this.

Anyway, how are you doing today?

I had a long day, that's why you are only hearing from me now.

I was too annoyed at the whole school system that I could only think of it.

And that's why you have a subject line that reads "school is a scam"

Anyway, have a great day.

I promise, tomorrow's email will be better.

Your queen.. Happiness.