Paul has me doing not < 6k steps every day.

Paul has me doing not < 6k steps every day.

You know the thing about lecturers not coming to class until when it's exams period right? Do you know why they do it?

Cos I don't. It's hella confusing to me fr fr.

So this lecturer fixed a class a few days into the semester’s examinations.

If you're a Nigerian student, and you're smart.. you'd know not to joke with the last lecture before exams.

Cos Nigerian lecturers are built differently.

We were in class, waiting for the lecturer while gisting and whiling away time. And constantly looking at the podium to confirm if he has arrived yet.

No sign.

30 minutes went by, no sign of the lecturer.

1 hour, still no sign

1 hour and 30 minutes, no sign.

2 hours, no sign. And the class was supposed to last 2 hours, so when the clock hit 1 pm with no sign of the lecturer, we started leaving.

I was walking out of the hall with Paul, expecting him to come with me to the school gate and take a cab, but he suddenly stopped walking and said bye to me turning to face the opposite direction.

I asked where he was going, and he said "home".

Me: But that's not the road to the gate.

Paul: I don't go through the gate.

Me: What?

Paul: I don't go through the gate. Matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I saw the gate.

I was shocked as hell..

I asked him a few questions, about how he comes to school without going through the gate.

He explained to me that there is this path he takes, and it just leads to his house and all. So he doesn't spend on transportation.

So I said.. "okay, let's go"

I followed him and the road wasn't even bad at all. It was just like a normal path people take. Just that you'd trek. πŸ˜‚

While we were walking, he showed me this app that gives him daily targets of steps to walk and counts it for him.

Talk about double ROI (Burning calories while saving money)

I downloaded the app myself, and since then, I'm obsessed with completing the daily target of 4k. I even go beyond sometimes.

Moral of this story.. get you someone that'll help you save while burning Calories. πŸ˜‰

BTW, I Tweeted today that something is cooking, and will only be served to my email subscribers…

You're lucky to be one of them. πŸ˜‰

Here it is.

A 30 days storytelling coaching with CopyQueen

Drum rolls πŸ₯ πŸ™‚

Where I'll teach you..

  • How to turn your daily experiences into stories

  • How to come up with story ideas

  • How to WRITE stories that get read

  • How to make even a small idea big enough for people to want more…

    and a lot more.

And guess how much this offer is? $16.59. Can you believe that?

This is hella cheap. Damn!

Anyway.. forgive me for how cheap it is, it won't happen again, I promise. 😁😁

BUT: This ain't a course. It's a coaching. I won't be sending you a bunch of videos to watch and implement. Nope.

What we will be doing is.. hopping on calls and sharing the juice with you live. Not an already-made video.

Reasons are: that way, you cannot not take the course. And I'll also be able to hold you accountable.

Consider this the first-ever gift from me to you. 😁 smash the link below to secure a slot.


This is a soft launch. You'll receive more emails from me within the week, till the launch is over. 😁

I have many things to say, but I'ma keep them in subsequent emails πŸ˜‰

And yes. Before I forget, I'm taking just 10 people. I hate being a leader, and taking responsibilities (I know it's not just me) 😩 so that is why I'm limiting it to just 10. πŸ˜‰

This way, I know y'all by name and faces and kick your ass if you don't take action.

Hehehehe 😁😁😁

Yea. You can call me crazy. But it is what it is.

Here's the link to get in…

Ps: if you won't be able to show up for calls at least 5 times in 30 days, then don't bother signing up cos you'd just be wasting your money.

With that being said, I'll see you tomorrow with yet another sales email. 😁


Your Queen "storytelling coach" Happiness. 😁