Number one Secret to Story ideas generation...

In the last email, I talked about how to become an excellent storyteller with the AW3LD formula

Attention. Write them down. Listen to your Mind. Lesson. Little details.

And I went further to explain them one after the other.

In the next series of emails, I'll be giving you a more detailed explanation with stories so you can see each of them playing in real-life shit.

Let's do this.. Shall we?

First is Attention.

A lil story..

There was a complete blackout yesterday until around 2 pm.

We didn't get a glimpse of electricity till 2 pm yesterday.

So when it did come, I had already lost the energy to work. I no longer felt like working.

So I charged my devices and decided to step out of the house.

Before then, Kadir (a coursemate) called me and told me he made food.. to come eat.

So when I left the house, his house was the first place in mind…

I walked down the road to where he told me his house was…

On my way, I saw a few children talking.. but on closer look, they were two boys and a few girls.

One of the girls (the one the boys were talking to) was sick.

Yuuno this mental sickness yea where she acts abnormally.

(I don't wanna be rude with my words so I hope you get it)

On closer look, these boys were bullying the girl.

Asking her why she didn't greet them. The boys looked Waaay younger than the girl.

But because she is sick, she acts Like a child.

And those boys took advantage of her mental instability and were bullying her.

Seeing that, I was immediately going to jump in and save her, but I guess the boys read my mind because they just laughed and went off.

Damn right, you should walk away.


Do you see that story?

If I had headphones on, and music blasting in my ears, would I have been able to notice that incident?

Or if I was too distracted thinking about something else while walking, would I have gotten to know what was happening?

Answer is No.

I paid attention to my environment, and I was able to come up with a story-worthy incident.

So that's the story. Pay attention to your environment.

Yes, it won't be easy to pick these little things now because you are still a newbie, but in no time, you will effortlessly get them.

So going forward, take daily strolls and pay attention to what's happening around you.

In Wednesday’s email, you will learn more about two other elements in the formula.


If I shared this story on Twitter, framing it well, adding a lesson and all, how many likes do you think I'd get?

Reply to this email with your prediction. Let me know.

For now… Adios.

Your Queen, Happiness.