Never give your phone to Paul. Ever

Thursday morning. 31st August 2023.

I was home, all ready to go write this one exam I had.

I called Kadir. You know Kadir by now don't you?

If you don't, Kadir is my course mate.

I called him, and he said he was almost at my house. He came, plugged his phone in to charge and we left to go ace that paper.

His lodge has power issues so he has to charge somewhere else.

But before I left the house though, I got a call from Paul (another course mate. The one that made start taking walks).

He told me he was already in school. He said he went to write his exam and the computer kept telling him he had already written.

LoL. So.. it meant that either the computer was faulty, or someone else had written his exam. Damn!

This made me take my phone. I initially didn't want to take it because the exam was CBT and lasted just 30 minutes.

And secondly it'd make me come back faster than if I had it.

But because Paul would be disorganized and possibly overthinking, I took it.

My plan was to call him to know where he was out of the thousands of students scattered in school…

To show my little support Yunno (cos I'm a good person 😁)

I got to school and called him, he told me where he was. I met him. We couldn't talk because I had to go in for my exams since I came late.

I made a mental note to talk to him later.

After the exam minutes later, I came out of the hall and went to where I had left Paul to get my phone and do the talk also, but I didn't find him.

I looked around the whole place, no sign of him.

I got someone's phone and called him, no answer.

I started getting pissed.

More calls, still no answer.

I got irritated and we left. Kadir told me to wait a little more but I wasn't having it.

I was too irritated to stay. So we came home WITHOUT MY PHONE.

Paul you better have a brilliant excuse if not.. YOU'RE D€AD.

We called both my phone and his this time, still no answer.

Irritation turned to anger. Anger to indifference. Indifference to Worry.

Then after what seemed like eternity, someone answered and told us Paul went to write his Exams, and left both phones with him.

We left a message for Paul letting him know that I had gone home, and he should bring my phone when he's done.

Long story short, Paul came with my phone, and his excuse was valid so nobody died. 🤣😁😁

He had to go back in to rectify the issue with his portal and why he was unable to write his exam..

That took time, hence the reason he didn't pick up and was nowhere to be found.

Moral of the story: Never give your phone to Paul when going to write an exam. Never ever. 🤣🤣

Okay.. that aside.

Today's the first day of September (Happy new month) and it's also the month that I will be re-launching my storytelling offer.

Yep. You heard right.

I'm stuck between what to call it though…

Should I go with "badass storytelling" or "savage storytelling"

Give me your honest thoughts.

And just like I said before now… I'm not giving you a bunch of videos to watch or not.. I'm holding you by the hand and doing it live with you.

You don't wanna miss it.

Interested? (You should be)

Shoot me a DM here 

Also, reply to this email with the name you like best.

That said.. ciao for now.

Your queen.. Happines