The kidnappings are getting worse…

A few days ago, I dropped a tweet about an incident of a kidnapping, where two guys were kidnapped, and one was shot. (He didn't die though).

Yesterday, my neighbor was almost a victim. 

He got off school and boarded a tricycle from the school gate.

There were two guys in the tricycle before him. 

He didn't think about it, cos it's normal to have other passengers in a vehicle before you. Especially if it's not an Uber.

He got in, and they left. 

A few minutes into the drive, the guys showed him a gun and told him not to make a sound.

They were just going to take him for a few days and bring him back after they'd collected ransom money.

He was immediately shocked, confused, and consumed with fear. 

He was too shocked to make any noise, so he stayed calm.

Thank God, the vehicle in front of theirs stopped to drop a passenger, and theirs had to slow down.

That was his chance. He jumped out of the tricycle and ran off.

Out of shock, he didn't know where he was, or where he was running to. 

But he saw the tricycle just moved on like nothing happened.

When he got a hold of himself, he was across the road. 

He didn't even know when he crossed to the other side of the road. Thank God there weren't any incoming vehicles or it would have been an entirely different case.

He was taken to the hospital, and he's fine. He sustained some bruises, but he's no longer in shock.

Y'all stay safe out there. Yes, it's impossible to be careful enough, but as much as you can, try to stay out of harm.

Much love 😘


Today is day 5 of my 19 days daily email. 

How do you like it so far? 

Reply to this message and let me know. 

Also, what are you struggling with the most right now? 

What would you need help with? 

Today, 6 pm WAT, I'll be live on a space, click here to set a reminder. And make sure to hop on, let's talk about your struggles.

Much love.. Happiness.

Stay safe out there ☺️