Kay wants to steal from me 😭😭

Kay wants to steal from me ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­

I got to a point in my career, and I started collecting testimonials.

From clients, friends that have read my writing, etc

Then I told Kay to please leave a testimonial for me. Sent him the link, and relaxed.

After some minutes, I received a notification about a testimonial.

Now here's what Kay has to say about my storytelling skill

“If I could steal something from Happiness, it'd be her storytelling skill"

Kay is a creator (in case you don't know him) with over 4k followers, and was also part of the brains behind "the big game cohort"

Popularly knowed as Dwriteway.

I started writing stories since I was a child (can't remember the age)

I'd read and write just to keep myself busy. I had no friends growing up. I was alone but not lonely because my books kept me company.

Till this day, I have a decade plus of experience in reading and writing stories.

I have written countless story copy that did good and some of them are still performing incredibly.. my pinned thread on X talked about one of those copy.

Now do you think I am worthy of coaching you on the same skill or not?

It's up to you now.

Like I said in previous email, I need 12 people. My wait list already has more than 12 participants right now.

But I'm still leaving the offer open until it's launch day..15th.

And you can join the wait-list here.

In tomorrow's email, I'll break down what we will be covering in the program.

What you get to leave with after 30 days.

Hang tight and see you in tomorrow's email.

Your queen.. Happiness.