Hey mate. Long time no email

Did you miss me?

On the 3rd day of October, at 10:42 AM WAT, I hit the publish button on my email newsletter platform. Since then, that was it.

That was the last time I spoke to you and I'm sorry. In my defense, I was (still am) in a career rut. I didn't know what to do.

Nothing interested me anymore so I stopped trying.

I know that should not be an excuse, I should have tried even just a little.

But I'm here to make up for lost time. I hope you didn't stop loving me 🥺

For the rest of November, (19 days left). I will be writing and sending daily emails.

Yes, I have exams coming up on the 20th, but I'm still gonna do it.

The price I have to pay for ditching you. 😊

During my break, I took a lot of Ls. Ls I  wouldn't have the balls to share normally, but I will in the coming 19 days.

Prepare to see me at my most vulnerable state. 

I won't hold back a thing. 

I will share them as they are, and leave you to be the judge of how it makes you feel.

You see.. all these while, I have not been sharing my vulnerable stories. The little I do, I try to mask the pain with a smiley face emoji or just laugh it off. 

I always justify this non-action with "This is not appropriate, people won't like it, it'd make people cringe, people would feel disgusted, etc"

And in the bid to run away from being vulnerable, I became a people pleaser. And only shared what I thought people would love.

But not anymore. I will let you be the judge from now on.

I'm done building a cheerleading brand. Now I'm going back to building a personal brand and attracting those who resonate and love me for who I am.

That said, tomorrow, you will receive an email with the subject line; "my first client fail".

Keep an eye out for it. That said, I'll see you tomorrow.

Your queen… Happiness.

If you missed me, reply to this email, and let's catch up. 😊