This is hella time consuming

This is hella time consuming 

I have never taken any project that would be as time consuming as the "badass storytelling" offer..

I will be going through the exercises of 12 people - pointing out their mistakes, helping them correct it, and ultimately breeding them to be badass storytellers..

This is why I can't take more than 12 people.

One person extra on the 12 and I might go crazy.. and I don't wanna go crazy.. I'm too young. šŸ˜šŸ˜

SoSo4'm keeping it at a dozen.

Now that's why you should secure your spot now and beat those waiting for the last day of the launch.

Rest assured that if I get 12 spots, I will shut down the link.

Now's the best time to secure your spot and be on the moving train.

See you in class Chiko šŸ˜

Your queen.. Happiness.