How I got roasted by 3 women...

I came to school on the 17th of April 2023. My registration process stalled until now because I had a deficiency in my SSCE subject combination, and I had to go through the stress of changing my course and all.

So it took almost 3 months to complete my registration.

Yesterday, I decided to ditch class, (I had just one class) face the paperwork I had left and complete it once and for all.

So I left the house at 11am. Got to the school, and proceeded with my shit.

Everything was going smoothly. I went to the Head of department's office to sign a document, and I didn't spend up to 30 seconds in her office.

(People usually spend hours sometimes days to get the same signature I got in less than a minute)

I was hella happy. I submitted some other documents, and then it was time to get my ID card.

I went to the ICT department, and that was where I started getting angry.

I went into the office at about 1:40 pm, and a lady there told me to go and come back at 2 pm because they were on break.

2 pm came, I went back and she told me to search for mine in the sorted out piles of IDs. I did, but didn't find mine.

"Join the complaint queue outside" was what she said.

I joined the queue, and spent almost an hour. Then when it was my turn to be attended to, the man attending to us remembered he had a crush to speak to, and ignored over 20 students on the queue waiting for him.

He stepped outside his office. At first I thought he wanted to get something real quick and that he'd be back soon.

2 minutes later, he came back and instead of walking to his office and sitting his ass down to attend to us, he walked right past us in front of his office and went to speak to this girl.

He held her so casually, and was talking like he had all the time in the world.

Boy.. was I pissed.

Well. After what seemed like an eternity later, he came back to his office and continued with us.

I got my ID card, paid and off I went.

Now I had one last place to go. The students affairs office.

I walked into the office, the staff in there were having a conversation, with the majority of them being women.

I walked up to one of them, politely greeted them and before I could open my mouth to state my business, one of them asked me…

"How do you wash your bum" I was like; what the fuck?

Genuinely confused, I asked. "Erm, What"?

Then she rephrased and said "how do you clean up after yourself"

Still confused, I followed her gaze and saw it on my nails. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I immediately understood what she was talking about.. I had my nails done long (I shared a picture on Twitter)

I thought to be snarky and say "I don't" but I remembered that my registration process had already taken 3 months. These women could decide not to collect the form I went there to submit, and prolong the process even further.

So instead I said: it's not that big of a deal, I can even wash with them.

They weren't having it. They went on and on about how it's too long, and how I haven't even seen my first semester results and I already have long ass nails.

Like a good child that I am, I just kept quiet and listened to them.

Finally, they collected the form and I left the office.

Happy that my registration process had finally been completed.

Lesson: if you find yourself in Nigeria, don't go submitting documents in offices where women dominate with your nails done long.


If you read my thread, this one you'd see that I practicalized the AW3LD formula with this story.

I'll mostly talk about the little details part. See how I started this story by talking about my registration process, and the guy at the ICT office, all those are just little details I added to the main story to make it worth the read and enticing.

I hope this email and thread on Twitter helps you understand how to get ideas and expand them into stories.

Feel free to ask any questions. I'll be more than happy to help.

Your Queen.. long nails Happiness.