My first client fail pt2

My first client fail pt2

I'm in my room, just got off the phone with my partner.

I assured her I could do it and asked for 3 days. 

Now I'm thinking to myself, "Should I change the angle of the email completely or should I tweak it and make it better?

My partner sent me this email sequence Inspiration and asked me to model it since the client liked it.

I read through the emails and couldn't model it to fit the client's niche.

So I had to do more digging. More than I did the first time.

I went to the client's LinkedIn profile, saw some amazing client wins and value he shared and I took them.

I wrote a 5 email sequence, making sure to add power words and target audience language, I made it punchier, added open loops, everything a good copy should have, and sent it to them.

Guess what people?

He still didn't like it. At this point, I was already getting pissed, and I was going to drop the client and tell my partner to get another copywriter.

When she told me he didn't like it, I told her to get someone else to write for him.

My partner sent me a Google document (the new copywriter's email) a few days later. 

The client liked this one a LOT. He even said it was 1000 times better than mine. (That hurt 🤕)

When I opened this document, I saw my copy. 

Oh sorry. A tweaked version of my copy. 

She took my copy and made it better.

No, it wasn't a thousand times better than mine (Because it was mine), but it was better Ngl.

This experience opened my eyes to a number of things.

  • Even though writing copy and getting feedback is good, it does not come close to the experience of working with real-time clients.

  • There's always more to learn

  • Prioritize your mental health when working with clients (be ready to fire them if they start to stress you).

  • I need a mentor.

So guys, that was how it went. I have recorded my first client fail, and I'm moving on to the next phase. 

This experience is always going to be rooted deep in my mind. 

Not for the wrong reasons, but so I can look back at it and commend myself on how much I have improved.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, don't beat yourself up, take your lessons and run.

That said, I'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, shoot! I almost forgot. Quick question…

Have you ever seen a father-child relationship and wondered if your father even has your phone number?

I have—countless times. And in tomorrow's email, I will share some of them.

Make sure to stay connected and be on the lookout for it.

Alright. Now you can go. 😊


Your queen… Happiness.