My first client fail pt1

My first client fail pt1

12th October 2023. Thursday morning, 5 am. I just woke up, and just like every normal human, I grabbed my phone and checked my WhatsApp.

What I saw: A message from my partner. 

"Happiness, client wants to have you on a call"

Let me give you a little background explanation so you can understand better.

My partner is a funnel designer. She lands the clients and pays me to write the copy.

She landed this client, and my job was to write the copy.

So she texted me that morning saying the client wanted to have me on a call. 

She was already speaking to the client before he asked for her copywriter. So it was urgent.

With sleepy eyes and face puffy from sleep, I hurriedly set up my ring light and hopped on the call with them.

At first we just said hi and I went silent.

He was talking to my partner. 

They were talking about the funnel design. 

I don't know about designs, so I just listened. 

But one thing I knew was, the client was hella demanding and complained a lot.

He complained about the design, and my partner was trying to explain that the software he chose was the problem.

Because when she tried to increase the font size of a text, the images increased as well.

I dunno about all of those technicalities, but I did know from how my partner spoke, that she knew what she was talking about.

But the client wasn't having it. 

They kept going back and forth until my partner gave in.

Then he faced me. Lol.

I wasn't scared, but I also didn't look confident. Cos I just woke up. Lol.

Guess what.. he gave my copy the roasting of its life. 

He said my copy was generic, boring, lacked power words, wasn't hooking, and that AI could do better. 

And he challenged me to do better.

Even though I kept my cool on the call, and didn't let my emotions sneak through my face, I felt like shit.

All these while I have called myself CopyQueen and have answered CopyQueen with a smile on my face, I couldn't write good emails for a client. 

I sucked. I thought. 

While I was wallowing in these thoughts, a voice in my head said…

"But you get compliments all the time on your emails and other copy, why is this different?"

I thought about it. 

Why is this different?

I know I am good, even though I'm not the best yet, but I'm good.

Good enough to write Emails that'd make clients some mulla.

But what happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen?

A lot of questions ran through my mind. Questions I didn't have answers to.

My partner hit me up later asking if I could handle the project or if I needed time so she could give it to someone else.

I told her I could do it, and asked for 3 days.

I was going to use these three days to prove myself to the client.

I was going to do my best and come back to surprise him.

Did I do a good job? Was my best good enough?

Find out in tomorrow's email (my first client fail pt2) 

For now, do have a lovely Sunday. Bye 

Your queen… Happiness.