How to be an excellent storyteller part 3

In the last email, I talked about the W in the AW3LD Formula as the second element of the formula…

Today, we'll talk about the first two Ls which is "Listen to your mind and Lesson"

Listen to your mind:

What makes a story unique is the teller.

Listen to your mind to get its thoughts on the idea. The way I tell this story won't be the same way you do.

Your thought process and mine are different.

That's why we all are unique in our ways.

Giving your mind room to improve your experiences and adding its touch to it makes it unique to YOU.

The reason you think Ronaldo is better than Messi, and your friend thinks Messi is better than Ronaldo is the same reason you and someone else's story can NEVER be the same.


You and your friend read together for an exam..

And then the exam came..

1st question is.. explain why bla blah blah…

You both know the answers, do you think the way you write will be the same way your friend writes even though y'all read and prepared for the exams together?

Hell no.

See.. Uniqueness.

So back to what we were saying… giving your mind room to add its own perspective to the idea that you have written down, makes it unique to you.

How do you do this though?

Let your idea hibernate.

Let it rest for a few hours. Use that time to pat yourself on the back and say "I have done well" 😁

Let your idea sleep in if you have the time. (Usually, the size of the idea determines how long this would take).

Then come back to it later on, and start expanding it.

And just like that, you'll see the magic 🪄 happening.


Then there's LESSON

This is the easiest part of writing a story.

Before you pick up your pen to start expanding an idea, by default there is always a reason why you want people to read that story.

And that in most cases is the Lesson.

It is often called:

The “takeaway”

The "Why did I just read this"

The”5 seconds moment” or “moment of transformation” according to Matthew Dicks.

Here's the reason why you need to pick a lesson..

One idea can have a lot of lessons depending on the angle you are looking at it from.

So you have to choose the one which resonates with the message you are passing and use it.

Hope this helps.

Your Queen… Happiness.