How to be an excellent storyteller part 2

In the last email, I talked about ATTENTION as the first element of the AW3LD formula…

Today, we'll talk about how to not lose these ideas when you get them - Write Them Down

No one is a genius when it comes to remembering things. You will always forget shit.

So writing them helps you not to forget them.

And you are not just writing the idea, you are also writing the angle you want it to take.


The story I told in the last email about the sick girl getting bullied, the interval between when I got the idea and when I wrote the story was at least 12 hours.

Do you think I could have remembered the whole angle if hadn't written them down?

I guess not.

I didn't just start writing.

I went back to the doc where I wrote the idea and took it.

Take a look at this..

See? when I wanted to write this story, I didn't have to rake my brain to remember it.

I just went to my docs, opened this up, and there.

It's not rocket science.. It's common sense.

The brain will always forget because the part of the memory where these kinds of information are stored is the short-term memory.

So create a folder on Google Docs, and title it story-worthy moments. Like this👇

You might ask…

But I work, and I don't always have my phone with me.

What if I can't type at the particular time

What if this, what if that…

Here's a list of things you could do.

If you can't type at the time…

Record your voice.

You have WhatsApp on your phone right?

Just pull up your phone and WhatsApp, record the message, and send it to yourself


What if you can't use your phone?

Always have a portable notebook and pen in your pocket to write stuff down.

I did this when I worked at a bar for 7 days. We weren't allowed to use our phones at all.

Matter of fact, we submit phones before coming in to work. So I always had a pen and a notebook in my pocket to write things down.

So you can do this too.

If you still have more reasons why you can't write shit down, then I don't think they are reasons, I think they are excuses.

I'm sorry but NGMI. 😁

Just kidding.

One of man's greatest strengths is adaptability

If these don't work for you because of how bad your schedule is, I expect you to think of something.

Find a way to make it work.

You are a man - A unique being. We make things happen.

Go get it.

Your Queen… Happiness 😊