Doors are open

Doors are opening…

Hey there Chiko.. guess what day it is today?

Yes today's Friday.. but what day?

Yes the 15th?

But what happens on the 15th?

Yes, yes 😹 (jumps up and down like a kid on Christmas) it's the launch of badass storytelling.

Yes. The long awaited launch of badass storytelling is here finally.

Today, you will signup to a 30 days intensive training on storytelling and I will be your coach 😁😁

I know you're excited. I am too. 😁

I am super elated to impact my knowledge in you and others that will signup as well.

But… just like everything good, there's a tiny bit of a problem..

Remember I'm taking just 12 people right?

I have a total of 260 email subscribers.. and a friend with 300+ subscribers is helping me promote this offer which means a total of 560+ people will get a sales email about this offer.

41 people on my wait-list and over 1.6k followers on Twitter will get a chance to signup as well.

So you may wanna act fast and secure a spot for yourself.

Here's the link 

Secure your spot and rest easy while I take you on the journey of excellent storytelling.

Your queen.. “Badass storytelling” Happiness.