I didnt get an A Maybe a C or probably a d.

I didn't get an A. Maybe a C or probably a d.

You remember this Tweet.

Well. I'm not so confident about that A anymore. Yunno. The exam wasn't what I expected so maybe I'll get a C or even D. (We are no longer friends if you laugh)

Anyway.. here's the back-end story of how it all happened and also why I won't be getting an A.

Grab a Loli 🍭 stick it in your mouth and let's go…

So the examination timetable came out on the 21st day of July 2023. We checked, the first paper: HIS115 (History of Nigeria up to 1800 AD)

I let out a groan because I hated that course. Don't come for me. I have a valid reason for hating it. (The professors were trash. They didn't know shit about the course but somehow, they were professors)

So when I saw it was the first on the list, I wasn't happy. But I gave it a second thought and decided it wasn't so bad that it was the first one. Because I could forget about it when I write it and worry about my fave ones.

And just like that, I was happy that the course was the first. Then came yet another problem; preparing to write the exam.

Each time I try to read the material, I get soooo bored that I'd take the option of watching Bollywood or Nollywood if offered (yes, I hate both) but I'd take it if it means I won't study History.

I had 10 days to prepare for the exam, and guess what I kept doing? Procrastinating.

Until I had just 2 days left.

One of the professors fixed a class on Saturday against the exam day which was Monday.

During the class, I actually paid attention, and even though I got hella confused about what he was saying, I was able to write down some areas of concentration.

If you are in a Nigerian uni, you'd know that the last class before an exam should not be messed with unless you know the course in and out.

So I paid attention and even took some recordings on my phone to study later.

That was when I started being confident about the course.

After the class, I now had area of concentration and some of the actual exam questions that slipped from the professor.

I got home. Tweeted, and started studying. I was distracted a lot. Not by my phone this time, but by my neighbors. And I hate to read in school so that wasn't an option.

I continued to soar through the distractions (another superpower of mine. Concentrating even in distraction, not all the time though) until I got tired and stopped.

Then I was left with Sunday. The last day before the exam.

Sunday came. I studied too and now my confidence was over the roof. 101%. LoL.

Now to the D-day. The moment of truth. Monday, 8 am.

Scripts were shared and we started.

100 questions. Objectives and subjectives. Guess how many I was able to answer?

30. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Fucking 30 questions out of 100. That's already a big F waiting for me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Here's what happened to me.

I had 10 whole days to prepare for the exams, but I didn't. Until the last minute.

I tried to cover a whole semester's work in 2 days. When I'm not ChatGPT. LoL.

I procrastinated until it was the last minute. Now what lesson does this teach you?

Some tasks are not going to be friendly or exciting, but still, they have to be done because they are the needle movers.

But we always ignore them and procrastinate until we end up not doing them. Not cool.

Change that. Spend more time on your needle movers and less on dopamine tasks.

Yes, I said I'll be getting a C or a D because I got help. Duh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

That's it for today's email.

You liked this story yea? I know you do. How about the other stories I send to you? You Like them too. Wow.

And you also like the way I write stories effortlessly.

You even admire my writing style? Awww that's so cute. Thank you 😊

Now what if I teach you how to write stories like I do? Effortlessly, with any idea, from any angle, engaging.

What if you learn all these from me within the next 30 days?

Would you like that?

Of course, you would. πŸ˜‚

I'm starting a 30 days coaching program for creators who want to make massive moves on their brand with stories.

Interested? Here's the signup link.

Plus it's quite low ticket. Forgive me. I'm still new in this thingy 😁😁

Annnnnnnd that's a wrap.

Feel free to shoot me a reply if you want. Or ask any questions.

With that said, I'll see you later. Bye.

Your Queen… Happiness.