I chose my hard. So did she…

I chose my hard. So did she…

A few days ago I was in the salon to get my hair washed.

I was pissed because it took a long time for them to attend to me. I almost went to a different salon. But the odds were against me.

What I mean is…

It was a Saturday, and also choir practice in the church. I didn't want to go. I just wanted to do my hair and not be bothered by anyone telling me to sing in C key or Y Key or any of that stuff.

So the reason I couldn't go to a different salon was because the church was just 2 buildings away from the salon I was in, and the practice was already going on.

If I stepped out of the salon and walked as little as 5 steps forward I'll be spotted and the leader will definitely call me to ask why I wasn't in church for practice.

And I sure as hell won't tell him that I do not wish to be bothered 🤣

So in order not to put myself in an awkward position, I stayed back at the salon and let them take their time while swearing curses in my mind. 😂😂

Almost 30 minutes later, I was attended to. I got my hair washed and was drying it when a girl hurriedly walked into the salon.

She immediately dropped her bag, took off her shoes and speed walked passed me into the salon, straight to the boss.

Seeing this, a wave of nostalgia hit me…

I immediately understood the situation because I have been there a lot of times.

I got out of my thoughts and paid attention to them, and realized she was getting scolded for coming to work late.

Apparently, she's an apprentice and had to go do something before coming to work, and it delayed her.

After getting scolded, her boss asked her to go unpack the things she bought for the shop.

I watched her, all the while seeing myself in her.

I only imagined what she was feeling at that moment.

This was me 2 years ago.

I had no purpose, no direction, no plan whatsoever. But I did have something though… my brutal 9-5.

I knew I didn't want to be a 9-5er for the rest of my life, but I didn't know what else to do.

I hadn't found the internet yet. So I was just a kid with dreams and no plan on how to achieve them.

My boyfriend then told me to go learn a skill (an offline skill). He asked me what I wanted to learn but I couldn't answer because I had no interest whatsoever in any offline skill.

Then he suggested hairdressing. Because I didn't have any reason to counter, I agreed. And got started.

I'd go to the salon after my 9-5 every day. I hated that. So you can imagine how many times I must have been in that girl's shoes.

I won't go deep into the story of my salon days. That'd be an email for another day.

What's the reason I told you this story?

Nothing is easy bro.

My days as a stylist were hell. If I remembered that I'd have to go there after work, I'd literally lose my happiness.

I don't know if it's the same for that girl, but what I do know is.. she isn't finding it easy, as I am not.

The big thing however is.. I am willing to come online every day for a decade if I have to and grind till this whole thing starts to make sense.

But if you take me back to my salon days, I guarantee you I won't last 2 days.

Why? you may ask…

I like what I do here, and it's fun.

Although not easy, I’m still willing to stick to it because I enjoy it.

I chose my HARD, and so did she.

That should be the difference between you and others.


Have fun with what you are doing. If it takes away your happiness, it's not worth it.

As Francis would say, be the main character in your life and not just an NPC.

Take the wheel, bro. If you ain't having fun with it, it's not worth it.

Before I let you go, I started something I'm excited about… creating content on IG. 😁😁

Yea. I optimized my profile, clear bio, pinned post, and all of that Twitter stuff 😁😁

It's exciting. Let's see how it goes.

Yep. That's it for today's email.

I'd Like to know something though…

Where were you 2 years ago?

I wanna know. Hit that reply button, and tell me. Be as raw as you want to. I'm the only one that'd see it. This ain't Twitter, so no one will judge you.

And lastly. Take 5 secs to shoot me a follow on IG here… be part of my tribe on both Twitter and IG. 😉😉

That said.. see you later Chiko. Don’t forget the reply.

Peace out.
