Change of plans

Change of plans:

Hola Chiko.

How are you doing today?

There has been a change of plans in the launch of badass storytelling.

Before now, I wanted it to be a live video call.

Where we'll hop on and I'll give you the juice live.

But guess what.. my network provider heard when I said that and called me a bitch 😭😭

Because since then, my internet has be waaaay under the weather.

It used to be bearable before, and I could hop on live calls and talk without it breaking. But now?

Hecky no!

I'm a 100% certain they heard when I talked about live calls hence this.

But.. if you know me well enough.. you'd know that I don't give up easily. I always find a way.

So as expected, I came up with a plan. And this email is filling you in.

So here's the plan..

I'll do what I can to pre-record the videos. Go over to my friend's if possible.

And I'll release them one at a time.

Since the offer will last for 4 weeks, I'll release one video each week.

Week 1 - module 1

Week 2 - Module 2

Week 3 - Module 3

Like that.

But. Don't think you're off the hook now. Cos you ain't. You'll still speak on calls and it's going to be video 😁😁

Every week after the release of the week's module, there will be an assignment/exercise.

You will implement what was taught, and on Saturday, we'll come together and discuss how implementation went.

There you can ask your questions and get help if you need any.

I figured it'd be better that the internet cuts off in the middle of a clarity call (I hope it doesn't) than in the middle of the main sauce.

I didn't make this decision all by myself. I spoke to those in the launch wait-list and we came to this conclusion.

So that's it.

It's not going to be 8 calls per week anymore but 4 calls.


My goal/dream for this offer is still the same.

To build a dozen brilliant storytellers.

So if you can't make it to calls at least 2 out of the 4 times, then pleaseeeeee 🙏 do not take this offer.

It's not for you.

But if 3-4 hours weekly is not too much time to invest in yourself, then this is for you.

Smash the button below to join the wait list if you ain't in it already.