“$10 for every spelling error you find”

Hey there CopyTeller. 

How are you doing today?

I felt like I hadn't been doing enough lately, and I lacked content ideas to write about.

That only meant one thing… My bank is empty and it needs to be filled.

I decided to read a book (Adweek by Joe Sugarman).

And in the foreword section, written by Ray Schultz, I learnt that Joe Sugarman offered $10 for every spelling error found in his copy.

This got me thinking…

The height of intentionality.

This not only shows how much of an expert he is but also shows how intentional he is about his copy.

He crafts every word with intention and purpose.

Each word on his page had a job. Else, it’s useless and won't be there. 

That's the highest level of intentionality I have seen.

Now.. let's take a little break from Sugarman’s life, and let's talk about you.

  • How many times do you do things in your life and business for no reason?

  • How many times do you put out content just for the sake of it?

  • How many times do you engage just to fulfill all righteousness?

  • How many times do you do certain tasks haphazardly just to tick them off your To-do list?

  • How many times do you wake up early just to Tweet about it?

I'll answer that.. several times. 

For months you have been putting in effort, creating content, engaging, and doing everything you are supposed to do, but you lack results.

It's because you do things just for the sake of it.

You are never intentional about anything.

And that has affected you immensely.

If Joe Sugarman can be as intentional to the point of offering money for any error found in his writing, who are you not to be intentional?

This is a wake-up call.

There's still time. 2023 is not over yet even if it is, you still got time.

Make it count.

Your queen…
